Thursday, February 21, 2019

Catching up... once again

Watching:  Celtics vs. Bucks on TNT

Once again I have fallen behind on my blogging.  A major obstacle to my blogging is that I cannot access Blogger at the office.

So who's going to congratulate me on my most recent eBay purchase?  Kidding!  Can you believe that?  I have never been in this for money.  I have no grandiose dreams of paying off the mortgage with my collection.  The idea of selling cards, now and as a kid, never appealed to me.  I'm a collector and a trader; always have been, always will be.  But if I had a card like this Jordan PMG I would have to make an exception as that would pay off the mortgage... and the cars... and student loans.  That card truly is a life changer.  Amazing.  And who are the people with that much disposable income?!  Kind of a sad reflection of where we are.  I'll stop there - this isn't a political blog after all.

I received two packages on Tuesday.  One a single card eBay purchase and the second some unexpected cards.  The eBay purchase was a 2018-19 Crown Royale Chris Webber MEM card:

The surprise package was from TCDB member dcdeacon.  Pete sent me some inserts from the 2013-14 Hoops set.  I am just a couple of cards away from completing all three of these insert sets:

One package arrived in the mail today - my first trade with TCDB member bobfetta.  We start with some 1990-91 O-Pee-Chee Premier.  I like this set and just might try and complete it.

Then two VAR from 1990-91 Pro Set I needed as I attempt to complete the master set:

Six 1992-93 Upper Deck additions.  Five of these are extras he threw in; thank you:

And this trade wraps up with one apiece for the Michigan and Hawks collections:

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