George is so mischievous that near-catastrophes are a daily occurrence. The Man in the Yellow Hat really needs to reign George in. I find my stress rising sometimes while watching. "You're going to leave George unattended..." "You're going to put George in charge of that task..." If the Man in the Yellow Hat was a parent I would call Child Protective Services.
Once again, I have fallen behind, but today we can catch up on the four packages that arrived over the past three days. I am home with our daughter today so while she watches PBS Kids I can knock out a quick post.
The week's first package was my second trade with TCDB member figgman - set builders for 1991 Score football and 1990-91 Score Canadian hockey. I also received a Belfour for the Hawks collection but forgot to take a photo. Here it is on TCDB.

Next up my first trade with TCDB member 12thman. Football set builders include two of my all-time favorites: 1984 Topps (86%) and 1989 Score (72%), as well as 1990 Topps Traded, 1991 Upper Deck and 1992 Stadium Club.

My first trade with TCDB member pezNpirates is up next. The first block of cards go toward the 1995-96 SP basketball set, while the latter block goes toward the Michigan collection.

And the final package was my third trade with TCDB member clmdesign. One each for the 1983 and 1991 Topps baseball sets:

The bulk of the trade was devoted to basketball set builders.

And the big prize here was a 1989 Topps Traded Aikman:

I miss the days spent watching Curious George with my little ones. They're too big now, and all they watch is YouTube. :/