Two packages in the mail today. The first is a rather significant eBay purchase. I finally landed a 1989 Score Barry Sanders for a total cost of under $20:

And the card looks really nice too. Set progress is now 92.7%. Still need RCs for Tim Brown, Derrick Thomas, and Rod Woodson, but completing this set is now a very realistic goal. I've gushed about this set in the past, but one small complaint is the RCs. It's a terrific assortment of rookies, however, most look like high school yearbook headshots. Shame we couldn't have gotten a few of these future legends in action.
Today's other package is my third trade of 2019 with TCDB member Thunderfoot. John has an extensive football collection and these trades have really helped in building my Michigan collection. Today we have Crable, Hall, Jackson, Jenkins, June, Navarre, Riemersma, Streets, and Watson additions for the Michigan collection:

And 21 Braylon Edwards to add as well:

Congrats on getting that Sanders rookie! I knew that you'd be able find one for under twenty.