I have a fair amount to share today. Over the weekend we went to Target and I saw 2019 Sage Hit blasters. I have never purchased a Sage product before so I picked up the box, looked it over, and put it back down. This morning I found myself back at Target and thought, "What the Hell?" and bought a box:

These are my first Sage cards so I'm new to this, but are they supposed to look like crappy 90s cards? Ugh. Unimpressed with the base cards:

Some Portrait inserts. These are a bit better than the base:

The remaining inserts and parallels from the box. The three autos are disappointing:

The box did include two additions for the Michigan collection:

As well as two for the Bama collection:

This will likely be my only Sage Hit purchase this year. While at Target I also grabbed a fat pack of 2019 Topps Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the ’90s:

I have a fair number of 1986 GPK and even picked up a pack of Oh The Horror-bile! last year. I still get a kick out these childish cards. 24 cards in the fat pack including 18 base cards:

The six remaining cards include two inserts and four parallels. The "Fishy Fred" is a Fool's Gold parallel carrying a SN50:

I also received two packages in the mail today; both trades with TCDB members. First, a few additions to the Michigan collection from jmkidd. The Shoelace cards are pretty slick:

The other trade, my second with Lugnut80, netted a nice stack of 1990 Upper Deck baseball:

I finally started a project today that I've been kicking around for a few months. Our second child, a son, is due in about four weeks. I thought it might be neat to purchase packs of baseball, basketball, football, and hockey cards covering each season of his life and then give them to him as a gift on say his 12th or 13th birthday. Today is Opening Day of the 2019 baseball season so while at Target this morning I did something I haven't done in 25 years - I bought packs of baseball cards:

Sitting down and opening these in 12 or 13 years will be a lot fun; reflecting on the stars and the hot rookies who never panned out. The plan then is to pick up a pack or two during each Target run and slowly build a collection of packs for "Junior" that cover the four major sports and various sets Target offers. By 2031, 2032 he could be sitting on the beginnings of a decent collection.
I've never understood how SAGE has been able to stay in business, their cards have never looked good (IMO), and it seems like everyone dislikes them... yet they continue to stick around year after year.