Heading into the Elite Eight my ESPN bracket is in the 95th percentile. Big problem though - I had UNC losing in the title game so my maximum potential points took a big hit. A Texas Tech win here would be nice as have the Red Raiders in the Final Four.
Ran to Target this afternoon to pick up a new car seat. On the way to the register I happened to pass by the cards and they had Status in stock. I picked up one fat pack and one hanger box. Let's rip open the fat pack first:

9 base cards:

3 rookies:

And two parallels and one insert:

Now on to the hanger box:

20 base cards:

4 rookies:

2 rookie parallels (I think) and 3 inserts:

And last but not least, a Mo Wagner parallel for the Michigan collection that carries a SN85:

I like this Status release and will make a point to pick up a few more packs here are there.
I also picked up two more packs for "Junior's" future collection. The first is a pack of 2019 Gypsy Queen. The other is his first hockey pack; 2018-19 Upper Deck Series 2:

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