It feels that every show on ESPN this week has hammered us over the head with news that Zion is returning for the ACC Tournament. Hmmm... which network is carrying the ACC tournament? Oh, right... ESPN. I hope Zion is healthy and not putting himself at risk; not from a fan perspective but from a parent's perspective. It would be a shame if this injury jeopardizes his NBA future and marketing value.
How about this college admission cheating scandal? Rich people pay for access and special privilege? Duh.
(Zion's first dunk of the night)
Two trades and one eBay purchase in today's mail. My first trade with TCDB member Trinitydawg22 starts the night off. Two 1984 Topps baseball set builders to start (95%):

And some football additions for the Michigan collection:

Today's other trade is my first with TCDB member FiresNBeers. Some basketball set builders from the latter half of the 90s to start:

Donruss set builders from both 2015-16 (87%) and 2016-17 (91%):

And one Glen Rice for the Michigan collection:

Today's eBay purchase is a 2017-18 Optic lot. I found this lot up for auction while searching for something else. The starting bid was and shipping cost were reasonable so I put in a relatively low bid and lo and behold I won the lot. 45 additions to the base set (72.5%):

Some inserts and parallels I did not have:

And it rounds out with some duplicates I have added to the For Trade list:

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