Friday, July 12, 2019

The worst signature ever?

Listening:  Black Angels Passover

It’s been a few days since I posted as the mailbox has been empty.  I return with a flourish, but first…

How about that HR Derby?  I actually made a point of watching it this year.  The last one I can recall watching is Josh Hamilton going nuts at Yankee Stadium in 2008.  Vlad Jr did not disappoint.  His swing is so violent.  

As for the ASG, I was able to watch the first two innings.  Loved that they had guys mic’d up during the game.  Listening to Freeman while facing Verlander was really cool.

Woke up this morning to learn that Westbrook is going to Houston in exchange for Paul and picks.  Good Lord, OKC is sitting on a TON of first round picks.  How in the world will Westbrook and Harden coexist?  They are both so ball dominant.  

I received five packages yesterday; four TCDB trades and a small eBay purchase.

1. My third trade with LO212257 gets the ball rolling and begins with football set builders for 1990 Fleer and 1991 Ultra:
This is followed by four Brady’s for the Michigan collection:
And then we have a nice haul of Bama collection additions:
The trade concludes with 2019 baseball additions for Owen’s collection, including the flagship and Opening Day sets:

2. Nothing but Michigan football additions in my first trade with mreuter, including 20 Toomer’s:

3. Strictly basketball set builders comprise my sixth trade with Bizzork:

4. Baseball set builders kick off my second trade with jmkidd:
Michigan football additions follow:
And the trade concludes with Bama football additions:

5. The eBay purchase is a cheap little Mo Wagner lot I recently found that includes two autos:
That just might be the laziest signature ever.

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